What stood out to me in the warning email was the following, seemingly innocent statement:
...more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data. (Emphasis added)
What do they mean by "relevant data", and why is any of the information mentioned at all relevant to the federal government?
According to the U.S. Constitution (remember that?), the census is only used to determine the number of representatives in the House for each state, as per the 14th amendment. Once upon a time it was used to determine taxes paid by each state, but that was superseded by the 16th amendment, which arrogated to Congress the power to levy income taxes with no regard to population whatsoever. The census is supposed to be a survey of the geographical dispersion of residents within the United States...that's all.
So why would it be at all necessary for the federal government to know the age, gender, race, or even the first name of every person living in your house? Is there going to be a new law mandating representation based on the relative ethnic composition of each state? Will there have to be so many black, hispanic, or Asian representatives based on the census? Are we going to ensure there is appropriate age and gender representation, ensuring that Generation X is as well-represented as the Baby Boomers, or that there is a geographically proportionate number of female and male representatives? How about names? Do we need an apportionment of representatives based on the first letter of each first name? Will I be represented by the Letter R in my district? Obviously this is all patently ludicrous (though I wouldn't be shocked if some form of race- or gender-related representative apportionment legislation made it onto the House floor), so why do they care?
I have to confess a tinge of paranoia when it comes to government gathering information on its subjects (as if you couldn't tell). I can't help but wonder what they're going to do with that information, particularly since it has nothing at all to do with apportionment of representatives. All they need for that is a simple headcount. I imagine most people probably think it's no big deal. After all, they're just statistics. But statistics in the hands of government can be a powerful weapon against freedom, and therein lies my concern. How many more entitlement programs will we see based on the census results? How much more redistribution of wealth will ensue? How many excuses will be found within those statistics for future expansions of government power over our lives?
Thinking back about the original email warning me about impostors fishing for information about me, I'm dismayed that most people are more concerned about the possibility that their fellow man may attempt to do them harm than they are about the activities of their government. It speaks volumes about the attitude of most people toward government...trusting their government over their fellow man. As I've said before, I'm a lot less worried about what free people might do than what an overbearing government is almost certain to do. In either case, regardless of who comes to my door claiming to be a census worker, the only answer they'll get from me is, "2."
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