Monday, March 14, 2005

Crying in my beer

Got a bit of rotten news on Saturday. Turns out that the shiny new motorcycle I ordered from Yamaha won't be coming in until May. Originally, they were supposed to start delivering them this month, but since I ordered a model with ABS, it's gonna take a couple more months.

Boo Hoo...

On the bright gives me more time to get my garage ready for the new arrival. Who's up for descending on my garage with saws, hammers, drills, and other implements of destruction to get the thing cleaned out, insulated, and drywalled...followed by consumption of much beer and barbeque?


Anonymous said...

i'd love to, but seeing as i just had my shoulder surgerized to preventate its dislocationary tendencies, and consequently my left arm will be beslung for the next two fortnight, my helpful abilities will be woefully inadequable.

i should be able to lend one hand on behalf of the beer and barbecue, though. :)

me type slow. bleh.

Ron Jennings said...

Jah...the shoulder must get well, Mr. One-Handed Typer Dude. No slinging of sheetrock for you! Hoisting of beer, on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

Bummer on the bike, Dude. You don't think that those TV Moral Majority wanna-bes you are currently in discussion with have secret ties to major motorcycle manufacturers?

Name the time and date, I'll help with the garage.

Anonymous said...

Boo hoo. So let's get my 550SS running sweetly in the meantime. Then you can ride it on weekends.