Tuesday, March 08, 2005

New links on the Wombat blog...

Hey, Wombat fans...

I've added some new links to my blog, beneath my profile on the left side.

Particularly of note is the link to the Baghdad Burning blog. If you really want to get an idea of how Iraqis feel about Americans stomping around in their country, you MUST check out this blog. It's written by an Iraqi girl living in Baghdad, and it's an eye opener. Also, check out some of the blog links on her page...they're just as enlightening.

Now if you'll excuse me I must get back to looking for a DBA job in New Zealand...


Anonymous said...

I wonder how the Maori feel about everyone fleeing to their homeland. :) One thing I've learned in my modest travels so far . . . *Everyplace* has issues.

Ron Jennings said...

This is definitely true, but I've not yet been able to find an affordable, habitable island upon which I can build a sovereign nation according to my values. So I'll choose some place with more tolerable issues. ;-)